As of 2022 Subject to change. 

All members of the COYB community have a right to dance and work in a secure and caring environment.  They also have a responsibility to contribute, in whatever way they can, to the protection and maintenance of such an environment. The COYB Production Team will investigate incidents of inappropriate behavior and take appropriate actions.

COYB CORE BELIEFS ON Disrespectful Behavior

  • COYB will not tolerate disrespectful behavior

  • Reported incidents will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated by the Production Team.



  • Physical violence such as hitting, pushing, or spitting at another individual

  • Interfering with another individual or staff property, by stealing, hiding, or damaging it.

  • Teasing or spreading rumors about others or his/her family

  • Belittling another individual’s abilities and achievements

  • Writing nasty notes or graffiti about others

  • Excluding others from a group activity

  • Ridiculing another individual’s appearance, way of speaking, or personal mannerisms

  • Misusing technology (internet, cell phone, social media) to hurt or humiliate another person

  • While bragging or expressing excitement over roles may not in itself constitute bullying, in the tense environment following auditions, dancers are cautioned to be sensitive to the feelings of those who may have unsuccessfully tried out for those same roles.

  • Lying

  • Abusive language

  • Non-defiant failure to carry out directions

  • Rehearsal truancy/absenteeism

  • Disruptive dance studio behavior

  • Harassment

  • Vandalism

  • Verbal Fighting

  • Threats to others

  • Assault/Battery


  • Adequate notice shall be given to the participant and his/her parent/guardian of the accusations against him/her

  • Production Team will meet with all parties (including Parent/Guardian) involved and hears allegation(s) and permit individual(s) the opportunity of explaining his/her conduct, deny it, or explain any mitigating circumstances

  • After a thorough investigation, the Production Team takes appropriate disciplinary action and notifies Parents/Guardian of the action

  • If applicable, law enforcement officials may be contacted

  • Any change in casting and schedule is appealable

  • Record of action and disciplinary action will be maintained


(The hierarchy of disciplinary actions used is determined by the inappropriate behavior being investigated)

  • Verbal reprimand

  • Parent notification

  • Restricting activities

  • Withdrawal of privileges as determined by the Artistic Director

  • A change or modification to schedule, participant role, and/or casting to be determined by the Artistic Director

  • Probationary period set

  • Restitution from loss, damage, or stolen property

  • Removal from the production