The Nutcracker — Central Ohio Youth Ballet

The Nutcracker

The Midland Theatre, Newark

Nov 29, 30 & Dec 1

The Woodward Opera House, Mt Vernon

Dec 7 & 8


The magic starts with the gift of a little wooden doll. Clara falls asleep, and suddenly, visions of sugarplums are no longer dreams. Dancing snowflakes dazzle her eyes. Toy soldiers come to life and protect Clara against the Mouse Queen and her troop!

She enters the Land of Sweets and the audience journeys with her. Come see Central Ohio Youth Ballet’s The Nutcracker, on Thanksgiving weekend at the historic Midland Theater in downtown Newark, Ohio and at The Woodward Opera House in Mt. Vernon the second weekend of December. The magic is ever-expanding as this youth company brings to life the costumes, sets and choreography of this ballet classic. Come dream with us! Central Ohio Youth Ballet’s The Nutcracker has been a holiday tradition in Central Ohio for over 25 years.

From its beginning in 1995, the demand for tickets has been strong as this troupe presents a quality production.  Its partnership with The Midland Theatre and Woodward Opera House brings together dancers and audiences in a sharing of the arts in our communities in downtown Newark and Mt. Vernon.

Auditions are held in mid-August for any area dancers who wish to share the dream.